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Cookies Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that a website places on your computer or mobile device through your internet browser when you visit the site. Placing cookies will help the website recognize your device the next time you visit.

We use the term “cookies” in this policy to refer to all files that collect information in this way. The cookies used do not collect information that identifies the user. The cookies collect generic information, such as how users arrive and use the sites, or the region/countries through which they access the site, etc. The cookies only retain information related to your preferences. At any time, the user can decide to be notified about the receipt of cookies through their internet browser and block their entry into the system. Refusing to use cookies on the site may result in the inability to access some areas or receive personalized information.

To learn more about cookies, including how to know which cookies have been created, how to manage and delete them, visit


Type, Purpose, and Functionality of Cookies

The use of cookies allows for optimized navigation by adapting the information and services offered to the interests of the users.

Cookies can be classified as follows:

  • Session cookies: temporary, remain on your internet browser until you leave the site. The information obtained allows for identifying problems and providing a better browsing experience;
  • Permanent cookies: remain stored on the internet browser. They are used every time the user makes a new visit to the site. They expire when their objective has been achieved or when they are manually turned off (for example, identifying the user on the web page);
  • User experience cookies: store user preferences to improve their experience on future visits, to direct navigation according to their interests, allowing for a more personalized service.
  • Statistical or analytical cookies: store anonymous data about the use of the site in order to analyze and improve the service provided. These cookies are third-party tools/plugins, for example, Google cookies.


Disabling the use of cookies

All internet browsers allow their respective users to accept, refuse, or delete cookies.

You can configure cookies in the “options” or “preferences” menu of your internet browser.


What happens when cookies are disabled?

Some functions and services may stop working or behave unexpectedly, such as user identification on certain pages.
If you disable cookies, it is likely that you will not have access to certain areas or that the quality of your browsing experience will be significantly lower.


Additional guarantees and revocation of acceptance.

The MUNICIPALITY OF GONDOMAR will not be responsible for the content and truthfulness of the privacy policies of third-party tools/plugins included on this site.
As an additional guarantee, the recording of cookies on this site may be subject to the user’s acceptance of cookies during their visit to the page. This acceptance can be revoked at any time in the content and privacy settings, as defined in the Disabling the use of cookies section of this policy.
Updating the cookie policy.

The MUNICIPALITY OF GONDOMAR may modify this cookie policy in accordance with legal or regulatory requirements or adapt this policy to new instructions decreed by law.
When there are significant changes to this cookie policy, users will be informed.