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Privacy Policy

The protection of the privacy and Personal Data of citizens who relate to the MUNICIPIO DE GONDOMAR (all those who interact with us) constitutes a commitment assumed, since always, as a priority.

In strict compliance with the law, and with the constant concern for transparency and impartiality, we are implementing security practices and adopting procedures with the objective, always present, of guaranteeing the pursuit of the public interest in the areas of intervention of the Municipality of Gondomar.

The protection of citizens regarding the processing of Personal Data is a fundamental right, so their privacy is important to us and, therefore, in a permanent logic of promoting the well-being of citizens, the Municipality of Gondomar, as a public entity, operates in various areas, ranging from urbanism and mobility, to culture, education and environment, also addressing the promotion of economic development, civil protection, tourism, social action, citizenship, consumer protection, innovation, land planning, housing, equipment management, heritage, sports and youth.

It is with the purpose of satisfying citizens that, as Data Controller of their Personal Data, the Municipality of Gondomar:

  • Ensures that the processing of Personal Data is carried out within the scope of the purpose for which they were collected, or for purposes compatible with the initial purpose for which they were collected.
  • Commits to implementing a culture of minimization of Personal Data, in which only the strictly necessary Personal Data is collected, used, and retained for the development of its activity and the satisfaction of citizens’ interests.
  • Does not disclose or share Personal Data for commercial or advertising purposes.
  • Data protection applies to the processing of Personal Data by automated means, as well as to manual processing if Personal Data is contained or intended for a file system.

Thus, the MUNICIPIO DE GONDOMAR undertakes to comply with European Regulation no. 2016/679 of 27/04/2016, on the protection of Personal Data, Law no. 58/2019, of August 8, which ensures the implementation, in the national legal order, of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of April 27, and the provisions of Annex I of Law no. 75/2013, of September 12, which approves the Legal Regime of Local Authorities.


Personal Data we collect

The Personal Data we collect depends on the context of your interactions with the Municipality of Gondomar, within the scope of its municipal activity and in compliance with the duties legally assigned to it.

The Municipality of Gondomar collects and processes Personal Data that is voluntarily provided by the Data Subject through the completion of various forms, both in person and via the website, by phone, by postal mail, or email.

Any information that the Data Subject provides will only be used for the described purpose and in strict compliance with the legislation on data protection.


Retention of Personal Data

We retain your Personal Data only for the period of time necessary and within the scope of the purpose for which we collected them. We take as a reference for determining the appropriate retention period the various deliberations of European data protection control authorities, namely the CNPD and the Archival Regulation for Local Authorities (Portarias nº 412/2001, of April 17, and 1253/2009, of October 14).

The retention periods of your data can change significantly when it comes to public interest archival purposes, historical, scientific, or statistical reasons, and the Municipality of Gondomar undertakes to adopt appropriate conservation and security measures.


Personal Data Security

The Municipality of Gondomar is committed to respecting the legislation in force on the protection of Personal Data and not to disclose, under any form or condition, this information to third parties. Adopting the necessary security measures to ensure the safeguarding of users’ Personal Data against its possible abusive use or unauthorized access.


Controller of your Personal Data

The Municipality, as the controller of data processing:

  • Ensures that the processing of your Personal Data is carried out within the scope of the purposes for which they were collected or for compatible purposes;
  • Collects, uses, and retains only the Personal Data necessary for the purpose in question;
  • Does not transmit any Personal Data for commercial or advertising purposes;
  • Processes Personal Data for legally prescribed purposes or to provide online services at your request.


Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Officer ensures compliance with the legislation in force for data processing.

Data subjects can always contact the Data Protection Officer to clarify any issues they consider relevant related to the processing of their Personal Data and the exercise of their rights.



Data Subject Rights

We enable, upon request, access, rectification, and deletion of Personal Data. You also have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data.

If the use of your Personal Data is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time without compromising the validity of the data processing carried out up to that moment.

Through the Data Protection Officer, you can request:

  • Information about your data;
  • Information about the processing;
  • The purpose underlying the processing;
  • The correction or updating of any data;
  • Your data in an open format;
  • The deletion of data, which will prejudice future processing in this case.


Updates to the privacy policy

All updates to the Privacy Policy will be communicated through a notice on the homepage of the website: so that such changes can be immediately understood.

By continuing to use this website following a modification to the Privacy Policy that has been communicated in this way, it will be presumed that the user has become aware of and accepted its terms.